
Posts Tagged ‘G-Senjou no Maou’

Thinking about the music of G-Senjou no Maou

February 22, 2011 Leave a comment

Over the past several months, I have had the pleasure of reading through Akabesoft2’s g-senjou no maou, and though I had finished it several weeks ago, I haven’t quite been able to get it out of my mind.

For an eroge, it is quite remarkable. Though I can hardly claim that my knowledge of the genre has much breadth, it does a lot of things “just right” that other games miss. The characters have familiar traits, but not overly so (with the exception of one very tsundere, but that is so well done that it is quite forgivable). The plot events are all familiar, but not overly so.  As a life long lover of classical music, the music is also quite familiar, but not overly so.

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